High Performance Learning at West Kirby
High Performance Learning (HPL) is an evidence-based approach to education that has been developed by Professor Deborah Eyre.
The underpinning philosophy of HPL is that there are no limits on a student's potential: with the right approach to learning every child can reach levels of attainment and achievement that might previously have been considered the preserve of a 'gifted and talented' few.
The HPL approach, which looks at both the cognitive and attitudinal aspects of learning, complements the ideals and aspirations to develop the whole child that have always been at the heart of what West Kirby stands for.
WKGS are the first maintained secondary in the North West to achieve the HPL World Class School Award and we are now part of the HPL Fellowship and Global Community where we will continue to ensure that the HPL approach is being embedded in every aspect of school life. HPL also emphasises the importance of parents and carers and we will continue to identify opportunities to work with our parental community as part of this.
The High Performance Learning Philosophy
At the heart of HPL is a fresh way of thinking about learning and the way we approach it practically, emotionally and intellectually. Informed learning is at the heart of HPL, with the belief that all students are capable of performance at the highest level if they are taught and subsequently embrace ‘how to think’ and ‘how to behave’.
The approach required of HPL lies in the Values, Attitudes and Attributes (VAAs), the broad headings of which are Empathetic, Agile and Hard Working. Further detail of what constitutes each of these VAAs can be found below.
The learning tools for HPL are identified as Advanced Cognitive Performance characteristics (ACPs). Broadly speaking, these are ways of thinking and learning that with practice become more fluid and eventually second nature. Further detail of these cognitive performance skills can be found below.
Many of the ACPCs and VAAs were already being employed at WKGS prior to our engagement with HPL. Our focus now is to continue to embed HPL into the day-to-day life of the school and teach students to use these skills within the taught curriculum, during pastoral time and within extra-curricular activities, to leave them equipped to make an impact on the world.