A Level Results 2019
We are extremely proud of the achievements of all of our A-level students at West Kirby Grammar School with every student gaining 3 or more qualifications. Boys and girls are going on to study courses in a wide range of subjects at top universities while others are pursuing other exciting opportunities such as apprentiships and foundation courses as well as those taking up employment.
- 100% of students gained 3 or more qualifications
- 70% of the grades were A*-B
- 87% of the grades awarded were A* - C
- The average grade achieved was a grade B.
- Pupils achieved a points average of 39.71, exceeding the national average.
- 97% of students went on to full time education or employment (2016 cohort figure)
Our Cambridge Pre-University course - Global Perspectives, taken by the whole year group, was again highly successful with 89% of students achieving Merits or Distinctions equivalent to A* - B and 100% pass rate. This achievement has, in some cases, helped secure or improve university places. We are also proud of some students who have had to overcome personal issues or difficult circumstances to achieve highly. Congratulations to all.
The School is proud of the achievements of all year 13 students and we wish them well for the future.