Wider Learning Opportunities
As well as your chosen subjects, you’ll be encouraged to complete an Extended Project Qualification and also take part in a range of enrichment activities.
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
An EPQ is an opportunity to extend your abilities beyond your chosen A-level subjects by embarking on a largely self-directed project. You will choose a topic which interests you, plan, research and develop your idea and decide on your finished product (which is usually a 5,000-word essay). The EPQ will help you to develop research and presentation skills which will prove invaluable at university and beyond.
The academic curriculum is suspended for one afternoon each week to allow students to take part in our enrichment programme. We believe that these enrichment activities are a vital part of your development, equipping you with skills and experience which will support university applications and prove beneficial throughout life.
You will have a wide range of activities to choose from, including volunteering in the local community and overseas, taking part in the Young Entrepreneurs’ Challenge, developing your understanding of driving with a pre-driving course, learning self-defence or helping out with the production of the popular Year 13 Yearbook.
Extracurricular Opportunities
There are a huge range of extracurricular opportunities available to students at WKGS in all areas, allowing them to further to develop their passion for subjects beyond the classroom. In addition, Sixth Form students are also encouraged to identify clubs and activties that they would like to offer to younger students not currently in the programme as this is an excellent way to both build links with students in lower year groups and also develop personal leadership skills.