Sixth Form Bursary

At West Kirby Grammar School we are always keen to support students who may struggle financially. We do not want their progress to suffer due to monetary constraints. Students are encouraged to apply for a bursary. The bursary can support you with the cost of home to school travel, books, clothes, attending University open days/interviews and much more.

There are two levels of Bursary payment dependent upon family circumstance. Full details can be downloaded in our Policies section and application forms are available. For further information, please contact Mrs Marley, Head of Sixth Form.

Sixth Form Bursary Policy 2023-24

Sixth Form Bursary Application Form


Exceptional Circumstances

In the current economic climate, the fund can also help with hardship needs arising from a sudden change in circumstances such as redundancy or a sudden drop in household income. Students who apply with exceptional circumstances will be viewed sympathetically where financial need can be evidenced. In this situation, a covering letter should be included, outlining the circumstances and providing supporting evidence.

If you need any additional information or help completing the application form, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Marley, Head of Sixth Form.