Free School Meals

The daily free school meal allowance will increase in September 2024 to £4.00 per day for eligible students.

This free school meal allowance can be used throughout the day at breaktime and for lunch purchases.  For example, your child could purchase a snack at breaktime and a meal deal for lunch.  Any amount spent in excess of £4.00 per day must be paid for via your child’s online catering account.  Please note that the allowance is re-set daily and balances do not accumulate so it is in your child’s best interest to use their entitlement each day.

 How to Apply

All applications are made directly to the school through the Wirral Portal and online application form which can be found by following the link below.  Even if you aren’t sure whether you are eligible, please complete this if you think that you might be.  The system will continue to check for up to 42 days after your initial application. So, if your circumstances change both the School and you will receive notification of the change in eligibility, which we will process straight away. 

Free School Meals Application

If you would prefer for the school to apply on your behalf, please download and complete the Consent Form below and then email the form to 

Consent Form

If you have any concerns or queries please direct these to