School and Community Fund
All schools are under financial pressure due to unfunded pay awards for staff, energy cost increases and general inflation. We focus on retaining our highly qualified and effective staff to ensure the quality of education continues to be exceptional. We also continue to offer every student an incredibly broad curriculum realising the value and worth of every subject. This allows students to pursue true areas of passion, avoiding the need to narrow this offer in the way that many other schools have.
Against this background our School & Community Fund provides the means to pay for the ‘little extras’ that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to provide for our students.
Your contributions are always gratefully received and go towards supporting various activities including visiting speakers, master classes, workshops as well as specialist resources that departments can use to enrich their curriculum. The numerous opportunities we offer students are incredibly beneficial, raising ambition and aspiration while also giving them a huge range of new skills to support future learning.
We also recognise the significant financial pressure that many families are managing and there is no expectation that parents and carers will contribute to our School & Community Fund if they are unable to. In addition, we are fully aware that many students and their families are experiencing financial hardship, and yet they don’t qualify for support such as Free School Meals.
Because of this we will ringfence 20% of the amount that you contribute for the benefit of our School Community. This will provide funding to allow us to act quickly to support students, staff, parents, carers and members of our West Kirby alumni, who need support and who would otherwise have nowhere to turn to for help. This community support may take the form of Free School Meals for ineligible students, school uniform, footwear, support for household food and energy bills and other urgent needs identified by our Pastoral Team.
How much should I contribute?
The simple answer is you should only contribute an amount that you can afford to, and any amount will be gratefully received. If possible, we would ask you to help us with a minimum donation of £5 per pupil per month or £60 for the academic year.
You can contribute via GoFundMe or by Direct Debit below
Please click one of the links below to set-up your Direct Debit
Direct Debit with Gift Aid
Gift Aid £2.50 per month donation
Gift Aid £5 per month donation
Gift Aid £10 per month donation
Gift Aid £25 per month donation