6 reasons to choose us
We get results
Our academic results are amongst the best in the country. In 2023, 82% of A Level grades were in the A* - C bracket, with 66% between A* - B. Whatever your goals, we’ll help you to achieve the results you need to get there.
Read moreWide range of courses
With 28 courses to choose from you’ll be sure to find the right combination of subjects for you. Whether you’re eyeing a career in astrophysics or art, our broad curriculum will help you to build a unique pathway.
Read moreExciting destinations
Our students go on to study at some of the UK’s top universities or begin apprenticeships with leading employers across a wide range of industries. We’ll ensure that your time at WKGS Sixth Form is a springboard for future success.
Read moreMore than grades
Outside of the classroom you’ll have endless opportunities to try new things and build valuable skills through our extensive range of extra-curricular activities in sport, travel, music, art, languages and theatre.
Read moreFantastic facilities
Our dedicated Sixth Form Centre has modern teaching areas, a media suite, common rooms, kitchen facilities and a deli bar. Whether you need a quiet place to study or somewhere to hang out with friends, you’ll find a perfect space.
Read moreCaring community
You’ll enjoy a lot more independence than you had in school, but this will always be balanced with structure and personalised support provided by your subject teachers, form tutor and a dedicated sixth form mentor.
Read moreGet in touch to see how we can help you achieve things you never thought possible.
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Hello and thank you for thinking about studying at WKGS Sixth Form.
Sixth form years are an important and exciting stage in your life, preparing you for higher education and / or the world of work. So it’s important to take the time to consider your options and choose the best environment for you.
Whatever your academic and career goals, we’ll pave the way for success. As an accredited High Performance Learning World Class School, we’ll equip you with the knowledge, skills and values you need to grow and thrive in an exciting, interconnected world.
We have high expectations of all our students, and we’ll encourage you to think big. That’s because we see no limits to your potential. With the right opportunities and support, you can achieve more than you ever thought possible, within and beyond the classroom.
Throughout your time with us you will grow in independence and resilience, supported every step of the way by our experienced teaching and welfare team. And as a valued member of a close-knit community that genuinely celebrates diversity and individuality, we’ll encourage you to always be your true self.
Thank you for considering WKGS Sixth Form for the next stage in your academic and personal development. We hope to welcome you soon.
Get in touch to see how we can help you achieve things you never thought possible.